Nominate an outstanding art educator and friend of the arts to recognize their commitment and contributions to the visual arts in North Carolina. All nominations must come from NCAEA members. The nominator or nominee should complete this form with the required materials. All questions may be directed to
Friends of the arts awards will be recognized in two categories and do not have to be members of NCAEA/NAEA.
All other award nominees must be current members of NCAEA/NAEA to be eligible.
Friends of the Arts I - NC Principals or Administrators - Non-member NCAEA, Nominee has record of supporting the visual arts in his/her schools (no vita required)
Friends of the Arts II - Corporations, community people, organizations, groups - Non-member NCAEA, significant contributions to the visual arts in North Carolina (no vita required)
NCAEA Art Educator of the Year (NAEA State Art Educator of the Year) - NCAEA/NAEA Members - Outstanding contributions and achievements within North Carolina
COMC's Ester Page Hill Award - NCAEA/NAEA Members - Strong and consistent support of multi-ethnic art education
NCAEA/NAEA Special Needs Art Educator - NCAEA/NAEA Members who teach students with special needs - Significant contribution to students with special needs in the visual arts
NCAEA/NAEA State, Regional and National Division Awards for Art Education - NCAEA/NAEA Members within a division in NC: Elementary, Middle, Secondary, Higher Ed, Museum, Supervision/ Administration, Retired - Significant contribution to an individual’s division in the visual arts
NCAEA Rookie Teacher of the Year - NCAEA Members who are Beginning Teachers (BT 1, 2, or 3) - An exemplary initial contribution by a BT who demonstrates the potential for development
NCAEA/NAEA Student Chapter Sponsor - NCAEA/NAEA Members/Sponsors of College/University Student Chapters - An exemplary student chapter - Please include a list of activities
National Junior High Art Honor Society Sponsor - NCAEA/NAEA Members/Sponsors of National Junior High Art Honor Society - An exemplary student chapter - Please include a list of activities
National Art Honor Society Sponsor - NCAEA/NAEA Members/Sponsors of National Art Honor Society - An exemplary student chapter - Please include a list of activities