NC General Assembly Art Exhibit Submission Form
NC General Assembly Art Exhibit PERMISSION form
The North Carolina General Assembly Youth Art Exhibit is cosponsored by the North Carolina Art Education Association and North Carolina General Assembly. The purpose of the exhibit is to share with our legislators and the public the exceptional creative ability of North Carolina’s students.
Selected artworks will be displayed in the north lobby of the Legislative Building for a year-long exhibit! Students, parents, teachers, and principals will be invited to attend an opening reception with members of the General Assembly at the Legislative Building!
March or May: Reception with Legislators *Dates change year to year depending on general Assembly sessions schedule.
Reception Time TBD
End of Show: Artwork returned Via USPS to art teachers or mailed to students home address.
Selection Process:
Submissions for the General Assembly Student Art Show will be collected via a google form until October 15. a slideshow will be sent to each region for voting. ONLY the 2 winners from each region will be brought to the Conference, where the show will have its first premier. The new process is exciting, and the coordinators look forward to seeing more participation with the new format.
The pieces from each region will hang in the Legislative Building in Raleigh for a year long show. All regions in the state are represented. There will be 16 pieces total.
*Dates change year to year depending on general Assembly sessions schedule.
1. One (1) artwork may be submitted per art teacher (NCAEA member) for consideration.
2. format and size requirements:
∙2D work only *3D work must be represented as a photograph
∙Original art must be 16” X 20” or SMALLER. Small art work must be matted to fit a 16”x 20” frame.
∙Open media
∙Appropriate content (no images that could be offensive to others)
∙Entry form below must be completed and attached to the back of the art. (A google form will be sent to winning students to be completed online.)
Note: Artwork chosen for 2024 show will not be returned until Spring/Summer 2025.
**If artwork does not meet any of the above requirements it will not be included in the show**
Questions? Please contact
This exhibit is open to active NCAEA members only.